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  1. 2023年世界女排联赛:李盈莹狂轰27分!中国女排3-1 …

    Web中国女排从18-17开始发力通过连续主动进攻以23-19将比分拉开为胜利打下基础。. 最终, 李盈莹 将比分定格在25-20中国女排总比分3-1战胜荷兰女排。. 尽管荷兰女排仅取得一局比赛胜利但整场比赛中国队赢得并

  2. [排球]世界女排联赛日本站:中国VS荷兰 - 央视网体育

  3. [排球]世界女排锦标赛小组赛:中国VS荷兰 - 央视网体育

  4. 2022年女排世锦赛:中国女排五局大战胜东道主荷兰队,收获第二 …

  5. [排球]中国女排奋力赢下荷兰队 收获关键胜利

  6. 首秀开门红!中国女排3-1逆转战胜荷兰 - 观察者网

  7. China is a vast and diverse country that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. Whether you a… See more
    China is a vast and diverse country that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. Whether you are interested in ancient history, stunning landscapes, rich culture, or modern cities, China has something for everyone. You can explore the magnificent Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, marvel at the Terracotta Army and the ancient city walls in Xi'an, admire the Buddhist art and the sandstone cliffs in the Mogao Grottoes, or relax in the tranquil gardens and lakes of the Summer Palace. China is also home to some of the world's most spectacular wonders, such as the Great Wall, the Yangtze River, the Yellow Mountains, and the Panda reserves. China's tourism industry is booming, and you can find a variety of tours, accommodations, and transportation options to suit your preferences and budget. China is a destination that will surprise and delight you with its rich heritage, diverse culture, and modern development.
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  8. 世界女排联赛:中国队胜荷兰队 - 新华网

  9. 首秀开门红!中国女排3-1逆转战胜荷兰 - 澎湃新闻

  10. 李盈莹23分中国女排3-2力挫荷兰 世锦赛复赛两连胜_体育_央视 …

  11. 中国女排3-1胜荷兰女排 斩获世界女排联赛三连胜 - cctv

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